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Global Values
A New Paradigm for a New World
by Karin Miller

III. Life

Life energizes and moves all things.
The continuity of life is the core of our existence.

Life is a dynamic and powerful force of nature that flows through us and expresses itself in material form. It is the source of all creation, and the energy that sustains and connects all living things. It binds us together in one interconnected and interdependent network of existence. Connected by this common thread, we are part of a global community of living things in which no one form of life, and no individual life, is more inherently valuable than another. All things are part of this web of life. What affects one form of life affects all forms of life; all parts impact the whole. As such, all life is an integral part of a complex system and therefore precious—the life of the planet, the life of the environment, the microbial life, the plant life, and the animal life, including humans. Together, all living things make up one body of life.

Life is the vehicle that carries and expresses the infinite intelligence of the universe on its journey through space and time. We often think we are living our lives, but it is really the other way around. Life animates us, flows through us, and expresses itself through us. Life is like a warm breeze traveling through time experiencing all it can experience—states of being, physical sensations, the full spectrum of emotions. We are merely conduits for the expression of life itself, and we are being lived by a force much greater than we can imagine.

Life is not to be claimed and conquered. It is to be shared and transferred from one thing to the next like an eternal gift which is passed on through the generations.

The grand flow of life

The world is alive and electric with the vibrations of life. There is life energy all around us, animating us, connecting us, running through us, and continuing its journey. Life circulates from one body to the next, from one living thing to the next, in a continuous flow.

When we look around we see plants growing, birds flying, spiders spinning, animals playing, and people bustling by. If we stop and listen we hear the whispers of the wind, the calls of animals and insects, people’s voices, and the whirring of things that humans have created—engines, fans, computers, mobile phones, household appliances, industrial machinery. All these things, whether they sprang forth directly from nature or were created by us, collectively vibrate with energy. This energy is transferred from one thing to the next in a river of creation.

The flow of life can be seen in the movement of nature. A seed is supported by soil and water, and begins to take root. As it grows, sprigs and shoots erupt from the soil and enable the new plant to harness the energy of the sun through photosynthesis. This energy is necessary for the plant to grow or flower or bear fruit. When the plant or its fruit is consumed, life is transferred and continues its journey through another living thing. The seeds of the new plant are spread around by animals after consumption, by the wind, or in other ways, and the cycle begins again. This continual transfer of life from one thing to the next—the cycle of life, death, and life— is essential for future generations of the plant, and other living things that rely on the plant for sustenance.

We are all given the gift of life when we are born. We pass on this gift when we have children, serve others, and create things that support and nurture life as a whole. After life has finished its journey through us, we die but the energy that we have transferred to our children, our loved ones, and our creations is carried on through them. As our bodies are returned to ash or clay the energy they held is transferred to other forms of life.

Change is life’s great constant. Everything is always in flux—becoming, existing, creating, transitioning, and dying. We live in and among and through continuing cycles of creation and destruction reflected in our bodies, our families, our communities, our countries. Life creates, bursts forth, blooms, reproduces, and dies to make way for new life. Landscapes are shaped by blowing wind, flowing water, lightning strikes, earthquakes, floods, wildfires, and when something is swept away in destruction life quickly moves in to replace what was lost with new life. The energy of life is merely transferred from one thing to another in a continuous stream of movement within the whole of creation. This journey—this flow, movement, transformation, creation, destruction, and continuation of life—is the essence of life itself.

The evolution of self-awareness and consciousness

Life is the spirit that moves us in this playground of matter. Although the continuous transfer of life energy is essential, it is not the only purpose, or function, of life. As life energy is transferred from one thing to the next it carries with it a great intelligence and consciousness. In a miracle of creation, life animates matter, and it drives all living things to evolve. Our ultimate purpose, and the ultimate purpose of life itself, is the evolution of consciousness and self-awareness.

In the beginning, a fundamental force or will created all that is in our world. This force has been described in many ways and by many names—God, Nature, Source, or simply Life itself. Regardless of what name or characteristics we give this force, it animates the world through vibration giving material things life. An initial burst of energy spread out through the universe humming the song of creation. All things, including rocks and leaves and even furniture or appliances resonate with a vibration of the universe. Unlike such seemingly inanimate objects or even other animals, we humans have evolved to have the capacity for self-awareness and introspection. We have the ability to reflect on ourselves and realize our impact on our surroundings.

Through our self-awareness, life and the consciousness that it carries embraces the opportunity to express and know itself through our intellectual reflection and self-realization. In this game of self-discovery we have come to realize our source, and we understand that just as life created us, we also create life—and we have a role to play in its evolution. Rather than living a constricted and limited life of oneself, one’s family, one’s community, or one’s nation, we can join with all life in the world and the universe. Instead of merely living our life, we can choose to be lived by life consciously. We can assist something much greater than us to actualize its destiny through us.

When we are lived by life we consciously choose to push ourselves toward greater self-awareness, and we live in harmony with, and with respect for, all of creation because we recognize that we are intimately connected to all of creation. As we begin to match our individual will with our value of life we ultimately break free from our illusion of isolation and separation. We realize the continuity of all things, and that we have always been free and connected to all things by the force of life. When life lives us, everything—the things we create and build, the money we acquire, the children we have, the possessions we maintain—becomes an integral component of the evolution of consciousness itself.

As self-aware beings we manifest our will by directing our intentions, energies, and actions toward an end. We can choose to manifest our will in ways that support life, or in ways that hinder life and support death. When we value life we choose to nurture it, and we use our intentions and energies to co-create with the source of our being. In doing this, we give meaning to our individual lives, and we support the body of life as a whole. In a way, we are liberated from our smaller selves to see ourselves as part of all of creation; we become instruments of life itself, and we can join the hand of creation. When we align our interests with the life force of the universe we will evolve to our highest potential. This is our destiny. This is why we are here. This is the purpose of life.